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QIP short term course on Concepts in CRE, June 10-14, 2019

The Centre for Continuing Education at IISc offers short-term courses to college teachers/ interested persons under the Quality Improvement Programme of AICTE. I will be ccoordinating a five day, 30-hour course on concepts in CRE from June 10-14, 2019. Dr. C S Laxmi Narasimhan (Technology Advocacy Lead, Shell India) and

Dr. L Srinivasa Mohan (Principal Technology Specialist, Ansys inc) will be delivering some key lectures.

The schedule is as follows:

June 10: Attainable Region (AR) Analysis for Reactor Network Synthesis (Tutorial using Jupyter Notebooks)

June 11: Computational Modelling of Reactive Flows (Tutorial using ANSYS Student edition)

June 12: Mixing and Chemical Reactions, CRE for Fuel Cell Design

June 13: Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry for Reaction Networks (Python Programs), Concepts in Catalysis

June 14: Concepts in Microkinetic Modeling, Single Event based Modeling of Hydroprocessing

The deadline for application is 10/05/2019



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