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“Process Engineering for
Functional Nanomaterials"

Ongoing Projects

Process development to fabricate nanostructured thin films on flexible substrates using low-cost additive patterning techniques, such as inkjet printing; and Product Development to fabricate low-cost sensors for ubiquitous sensing applications, as well as chemical/mechanical sensing applications is underway.
Reactor design for continuous flow synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles is also being pursued.

Research Philosophy: The main stimuli for pursuing research projects in an engineering environment are the existence of a creative idea and an economic incentive, derived from its perceived uses.
The underlying theme of research activities in my group at IISc is the development of a process engineering ‘toolkit’ comprising of cost-effective and environmentally-benign processes that will enable the use of nanoparticles as building blocks for future nanoelectronic and energy conversion devices. We are also involved in the development of low-cost, additive fabrication techniques for forming nanostructured devices on flexible substrates.
Rupesh Pawar - Safety Champion of Lab 2A
Q4 2023-24

Research Facilities
The group maintains a state of the art cleanroom (funded by a DST-IRHPA grant) which houses several nanoscale characterization facilities. Apart from these, standard spectroscopic instrumentation and millipore DI water systems are available as common departmental facilities.
NOTE: These facilities are run by graduate students for their research only and not available for hire. If you require help with characterizing a few samples, please contact CeNSE
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