Ongoing Projects
Principal Investigator, Funding SERB CRG Grant (18 Jan 2023 - 17 Jan 2026) (CRG/2022/002936)
The objectives of this proposal are:-1. To develop a molecular-level understanding of the process of platinum overlayer formation. 2. To fabricate platinum overlayers on nanostructured metallic thin films in a scalable flowcell configuration. 3. To characterize the electrocatalytic performance of the fabricated films at the lab-scale (~1 cm2 area) and a single-cell level (~25 cm2 area)
Past Projects
Co-Principal Investigator, Funding ISRO through IISc-STC (Apr 2019 - Mar 2022) (ISTC/MCE/VS/427)
The objective of this project is 1) To design and optimise the morphology of silver@palladium nanostructures on polyimide tapes for leak detection along hydrogen carrying pipelines; and 2) To design and incorporate a printed heating element for enhancing sensor recovery and hydrogen sensing performance
This is in collaboration with Mrs. Kavitha V, SQRA LPSC- Bangalore and
Mr. S Ingersol, Group director (Retd), LPSC-Bangalore (Kernel Dec 2021 article)
Principal Investigator, Funding SERB EMR Grant (Nov 2017 - Oct 2020 -- Mar 2021 ChineseVirusExtension) (EMR/2016/005343)
Nanostructured Metallic Thin Films find applications in a wide variety of fields ranging from catalysis, electronics, energy conversion to sensing. We optimized the morphology for swabbing-based detection of colorants and pesticide residues on fruits/vegetables,

Co-Principal Investigator, Funding ISRO through IISc-STC (Apr 2012 - Mar 2014) (STC/P-286)
The stated objective of this project was to utilize chemically robust ordered nanoparticle arrays to fabricate chemoresistive gas sensors of interest to ISRO. This was in collaboration with Dr. Nandakumar, Head (Retd), CRD/PRSG, LPSC-Valiamala, ISRO.
Principal Investigator,Funding SERC-DST (Mar 2010 - Mar 2013) (SR/S3/CE/073/2009)
The objective of this project was to utilize thermally stable ordered gold nanoparticle arrays as templates to form vertically ordered semiconductor nanowires with controlled spacing and diameter, and test their utility as photoanodes in DSSC.
Principal Investigator, Funding SERC-DST (June 2006 - Oct 2009) (SR/S3/CE/60/2005)
The objective of this project was to utilize guided self-assembly in conjunction with plasma processing to enable the fabrication of large-area ordered metallic nanodot arrays, which can act as templates to form ordered and addressable nanostructures.
Co-Principal Investigator, Funding TCS through IISc-TCS Innovation Lab (Nov 2022 - Oct 2023) (SID/PC-44015)
The stated objective is a proof-of-concept demonstration of the ability to rapidly prototype suitable metasurface antenna designs developed by TCS.. This is in collaboration with Dr. Tapas Chakravarthy, Principal Scientist, TCS Research
Principal Investigator, Funding ONGC-Energy Trust (Jul 2019 - Mar 2022) (ONGC/MCE/VS/001)
ONGC CSR funds promote Samskrit Learning
The Specific objectives are to -- 1) Use of pulsed electrodeposition technique to form 1-10 atomic layer thick platinum shells onto metallic nanostructured films. 2) Electrochemical characterization of pulse-deposited Platinum films for benchmarking activity parameters for PEMFC/DMFC applications, such as ECSA values, Mass activity, CO tolerance, durability
Co-Principal Investigator, Funding ISRO through IISc-STC (Apr 2017 - Mar 2019) (ISTC/MCE/VS/385)
The objective of this project is to fabricate hydrogen gas sensors on flexible substrates/tapes for pipeline leak detection at ISRO. This is in collaboration with Dr. Nandakumar, Head (Retd), CRD/PRSG, LPSC-Valiamala, ISRO, and Mr. S Ingersol, Group director, LPSC-Bangalore
Principal Investigator, Funding CiSTUP (Apr 2013 - Mar 2015) (CiSTUP/RP-IV/13-05/04/2013)
The objective of this project is to fabricate nanostructured strain sensors for structural applications.

Co-Principal Investigator, Funding SERC-DST (Apr 2007 - Mar 2013) (IR/S3/EU-04/2006). This work was in collaboration with Prof. Sanjeev Kumar and Prof. V. Kumaran
The main objective was to synthesize monodisperse nanoparticles (COV <5%) in continuous flow microfluidic reactors. Specifically, we are involved in designing and fabricating microfluidic reactors and understanding the rapid kinetics of nanoparticle formation reactions. These aspects will complement the expertise of Prof. Sanjeev kumar's group in modelling using tools such as CFD/Population balances , and expertise ofProf. Kumaran's group in electrically actuated flows in flexible tubes. Another objective is to develop robust techniques for forming ordered arrays of gold nanoparticles and their application as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectrosscopy (SERS) devices, chemoresistive sensors, Flash memory devices, Nanoporous Fuel cell catalyst layer, and Dye sensitised solar cells.