Sharmila Satyanarayanan, MSc (Engg.) (2011 - 2014)
M.Sc (Engg.) IISc (2015), B.Tech. (Chem. Engg), Amrita School of Engg (2011)
Thesis: Studies on Fabrication and Characterization of TiO2 based Dye-sensitised Solar Cells
Next Position: ICER, IISc
Aditya Kumar, M. Tech (Res). (2016 - 2018 )
B.Tech (ChemE) Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Tech. (2016),
kaditya [AT] iisc.ac.in
Thesis: Rapid and Portable Detection of Food Adulteration Using Paper-based SERS Swabs
Next Position: Dept. Chemical Engg, IIT Bombay
Abhishek C Ranade, M. Tech (Res). (2016 - 2018)
B.E (ChemE) BITS, PIlani (2016),
rabhishek [AT] iisc.ac.in
Research area: Flexible Hydrogen Leak Detector
Next Position: Dept. Chemical Engg, IISc
Surya Prakash Rao Daliparthi, M.E. (2004 - 2006)
Project: Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles
Next Position: SABIC, Bangalore
Alok Kumar Srivastava, M.E. (2005 - 2007)
Project: Fabrication of nanoparticle arrays
Next Position: DMSRDE, DRDO
Girish Muralidharan, M.E. (2005 - 2007)
Project: Nanoparticle synthesis in microemulsion
Next Position: TRDDC, Pune
Sravan Kumar N, M.E. (2006 - 2008)
Project: Synthesis and stabilisation of nanoparticles in microemulsions
Next Position: Fluent, Pune
M. Anusha, M.E. (2006 - 2008)
Project: Investigation of gold nanoparticle formation kinetics using a stop flow module
Next Position: Invensys, Hyderabad
Mohana Rao D, M.E. (2007 - 2009)
Project: Kinetics, data analysis and modeling of gold nanoparticle formation
Next Position: BHEL, Hyderabad

Preeta Datta, M.E. (2007 - 2009)
{Jointly supervised with Prof. Ganapathy Ayappa}
Project: Effect of substrates on the melting and coalescence of nanoparticles
Next Position: Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison
Parveen Bazard, M.E. (2008 - 2010)
Project: Room temperature synthesis of nanoparticles in microchannel reactors
Next Position: Dept.Chemical and Biomedical Engg, Univ. South Florida
Srikanth D, M.E. (2009 - 2011)
Project: Continuous flow processes for synthesis of nanoparticles
Next Position: GM India Science Labs, Bangalore
Anand Prakash, M.E. (2010 - 2012)
Project: Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Nanowire Arrays for use as Photoanodes in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Next Position: Reddy Labs, Vizag
Sushant Kumar, M.E. (2010 - 2012)
Project: Conductive copper patterns on paper using inkjet printing
Next Position: Dept. Chemical Engg, IISc
Shravan Kumar Parmar, M.E. (2011 - 2013)
Project: Nanostructured silver by inkjet printing
Next Position: Solid Fuel Complex, DRDO Unit, Jagdalpur
Khantesh Agrawal, M. Tech . (2016 - 2018 )
Project: Printed Electrodes for PEMFC
Next Position: Dept. Chemical Engg, IISc
Jitendra Solanki, M. Tech (2019 - 2020 Discontinued)
B.Tech. (Chem. Engg), MNIT -Jaipur (2019)
Next Position: ONGC

Khomveer Singh, M. Tech (2019 - 2021)
{Jointly supervised with Prof. CS Laxmi Narasimhan}
Project: Microkinetic Modeling of Propane dehydrogenation (PDH) on Pt-based catalyst & Thermal Cracking of Propane: Parameter estimation
Next Position: Vantage Research
Lamshaphrang Rynjah, M. Tech (2021 -22 Discontinued)
B.Tech. (Chem. Engg), NIT Warangal (2019)
Project: Techno-Economic Assessment of LigninFirst approach
Next Position: GOI
S. M. Prasanth, M. Tech (2021 - 2023)
Project: Multiphase Modeling of Hydrogen Production in Zero Gap Alkaline Water Electrolyzer &
Self-Terminating Electrodeposition of Platinum on Gold for PEMFC Electrodes
Next Position: Lam Research
Armaan Rais, M. Tech (Res) "deregistered" (2020 - 2023 )
{Jointly supervised with Prof. CS Laxmi Narasimhan}
B.Tech. (Chem. Engg), ZHCET(AMU) Aligarh (2020)
Project: Microkinetic Modelling
Next Position: SiemensDigital Industries Software